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Vítejte na  webu jak nainstalovat do Samsungu TV  NetPlayer 2.6


Máteli samsung tv z internet @tv mužete si to nahrat 

Pozor mate li v samsung  řady B  třeba  model UE40B7000 a jim podobné modely , instalace není možná

instalace je možná  od řady C třeba LE40C650  a jim podobné

                                                           pozor pro řadu D typu  Smart TV je istalace podobná jenom IP adresa je tato  IP


Nejprve si vytvořte  nový účet na  Internet@TV
1. jdete do : INTERNET
2. Přejdete do "Nastaveni"

3. Vyberte položku "Přihl. ID Internet@TV"
4. Vyberte  "Vytvořit"

5.  název účtu musí být . "develop"  pište s malým písmem "d" ,e" v", e", l ," o ",  p,"
6. Zadam PIN kod (později ho budeme potřebovat) nejlepe napsat 1111 

7. Odejit z  menu zpět

další postup  Přihlášení do internetu

klikni na  červené tlačítko A

 vyberte si už přemem vytvořeny účet "develop" 
 Zadejte kod PIN
 Potvrdit a  OK

  Tet už musimte být přihlášen jako "develop"  ma se to ukazat v levem dolnim rohu na  telce musí byt (viz obrázek)

znovu přejit do menu "Nastaveni" ale tentokrát tam příbyla kolonka vyvoj klikne na ní a vyberte "Nastaveni IP serveru"

. Napíšte tuto  IP  adresu "" a OK

Tím se vam naistaluje Netplayer dále

Aktualizace widgetu

1. Musím být pořád nalogovaný jako "develop"
2. Přejdu do menu "Nastaveni"
3. Vyberu "Vývoj"
4. Vyberu "Synchronizace uživatelských aplikací"
5. Počkám na potvrzovací okno o ukončení synchronizace
6.  OK

No a měl by Vám widget s NetPlayerem přibýt mezi ostatními widgety


 když vyberte NetPlayer naskočí vam toto menu

jděte třeba do adresaře Filmy a klikněte na žlute C  přidej adresu

 do tohoto radku na adresu  napište třeba  tuto adresu https://bit.ly/i1USex       POZOR   pismena   US  pište  VELKÝMI PISMENY

adresa ještě jednou  https://           bit.ly/i1USex


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video z Digit.cz

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vice na  www.tvfreak.cz/forum samsung 40C650  :-)


  zajimavé stránky .

stránky autora samsung widget TV   https://tvwidget.pl  

Testovací Menu pro NetPlayer   je  https://bit.ly/i1USex  nebo také https://c06e365914.cbaul-cdnwnd.com/1f37468a73b2f3ebe207fee6d1f00579/200000103-c6b86c7c51/A.xml

ale abyste nemuseli zadávat do netlayer tak dlouhou adresu stačí  https://bit.ly/i1USex     napište v Netplayer je to start  rss menu podcast

pozor písmena "US"  v adrese    https://bit.ly/i1USex         zadejte US  jsou velkými PÍSMENY

widgets TV jde do všech televizoru  Samsung  ktéré mají Internet@TV   Netplayer 2.1

dokáže otevřít na vaší televizi stránky s RSS , PODCAST  , FEED  A TO I VIDEO PODCAST , AUDIO PODCAST  , RADIO STREAM

WEB CAMER STREAM , atd......

typy které to nají  Internet@TV od velikosti SAMSUNG LE32C670 až SAMSUNG LE46C670

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podrobny návod existuje i zde od     https://juce.sk


Které tipy televizi  a Blu-Ray přehrávače podporují Internet @ TV?

a mohou si tento widets na istalaovat

UxxxC6400, UxxxC6500, UxxxC6800, UxxxC6900, UxxxC7000, UxxxC8000, UxxxC9000

LxxxC560, LxxxC580, LxxxC650, LxxxC750

PxxxC6400, PxxxC6500, PxxxC8000

Blu-Ray Player

BD-C5300  nefunguje !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


BD-C5500 (HDMI, Upscaler 1080p, DivX ) Samsung TV mit internet@tv
BD-C6500 (HDMI, Upscaler 1080p, DivX ) Samsung TV mit internet@tv
BD-C6900 (3D, HDMI, Upscaler 1080p, DivX ) Samsung TV mit internet@tv
BD-C7500Samsung TV mit internet@tv

HT-C5500Samsung TV mit internet@tv
HT-C6500 5.1 Blu-Ray Heimkinosystem (Full-HD, DivX, 1000 Watt) Samsung TV mit internet@tv
HT-C7500,HT-C6730 W 7.1 Blu-Ray Heimkinosystem (Full-HD, DivX, 1330 Watt) Samsung TV mit internet@tv

Samsung TVs mit Internet@TV 2010er Serie
Samsungs Plasma Fernseher der aktuellen 2010er Serie C6500Samsung TV mit internet@tv
Samsungs LED Fernseher der aktuellen 2010er Serie C6700Samsung TV mit internet@tv
Samsungs 3D LCD Fernseher der aktuellen 2010er Serie C750Samsung TV mit internet@tv




 navod 2  zde ale napište   https://bit.ly/i1USex    nebo delší verze obojí je stejné       https://c06e365914.cbaul-cdnwnd.com/1f37468a73b2f3ebe207fee6d1f00579/200000103-c6b86c7c51/A.xml




dotazy na   www.facebook.com/pages/Netplayer-Samsung-TV-Widget/289724357729213?sk=wall









Diskusná téma: Netplayer

Tremendous discounts, fall heir to your website up and continuous at a ill value!

BryanNeaby | 09.04.2024

Hello! Crazy discounts, hurry up!
We are Drop Dead Studio and our goal is to help companies achieve impressive sales results through automated marketing.
I. [b]We sell fresh databases for GSA Search Engine Ranker.[/b]
• The databases are updated monthly through 24/7 parsing and by connecting purchased databases from other sources.
• You have the option to purchase a one-time fresh database or pay for a lifetime subscription for updates.
[i][b]ATTENTION![/b][/i] 40% discount only until 04/10/2024!
When applying, please indicate the promotional code [i][b]DD40%[/b][/i] in telegram: [i][b]@DropDeadStudio[/b]![/i]

II. [b]We sell fresh databases for XRumer 19.0.18 — 23.0.3 StrongAI.[/b]
• The databases are also updated monthly through 24/7 parsing and by connecting purchased databases from other sources.
• You have the option to purchase a one-time fresh database or subscribe for lifetime updates.
[i][b]ATTENTION![/b][/i] 40% discount only until 04/10/2024!
When applying, please indicate the promotional code [i][b]DD40%[/b][/i] in telegram: [i][b]@DropDeadStudio[/b][/i]!

III. [b]We sell our own premium databases for XRumer 19.0.18 — 23.0.3 StrongAI.[/b]
• The databases are updated monthly and compiled by us through selection of all databases + including fresh ones specifically for active links, or in the case of contact forms, those links where your advertisement will be sent to the website owner.
[i][b]ATTENTION![/b][/i] 40% discount only until 04/10/2024!
When applying, please indicate the promotional code [i][b]DD40%[/b][/i] in telegram: [i][b]@DropDeadStudio[/b][/i]!

IV. [b]We are selling the remaining activation keys for GSA Search Engine Ranker.[/b]
• The activation keys are still available with us from the closed department that used this software, as we have fully transitioned to XRumer.
[i][b]ATTENTION![/b][/i] 2 keys left for sale activation key for GSA Search Engine Ranker with a 50% discount! Write to us in telegram: [i][b]@DropDeadStudio[/b][/i]!

V. [b]We can also help you choose and configure servers and virtual machines.[/b]
• We have 7 XRumer licenses running simultaneously 24/7, and we can also assist with setting up XRumer and Xevil.

Tremendous discounts, after your website up and event at a low value!

BryanNeaby | 08.04.2024

Hello! Crazy discounts, hurry up!
We are Drop Dead Studio and our goal is to help companies achieve impressive sales results through automated marketing.
I. [b]We sell fresh databases for GSA Search Engine Ranker.[/b]
• The databases are updated monthly through 24/7 parsing and by connecting purchased databases from other sources.
• You have the option to purchase a one-time fresh database or pay for a lifetime subscription for updates.
[i][b]ATTENTION![/b][/i] 40% discount only until 04/10/2024!
When applying, please indicate the promotional code [i][b]DD40%[/b][/i] in telegram: [i][b]@DropDeadStudio[/b]![/i]

II. [b]We sell fresh databases for XRumer 19.0.18 — 23.0.3 StrongAI.[/b]
• The databases are also updated monthly through 24/7 parsing and by connecting purchased databases from other sources.
• You have the option to purchase a one-time fresh database or subscribe for lifetime updates.
[i][b]ATTENTION![/b][/i] 40% discount only until 04/10/2024!
When applying, please indicate the promotional code [i][b]DD40%[/b][/i] in telegram: [i][b]@DropDeadStudio[/b][/i]!

III. [b]We sell our own premium databases for XRumer 19.0.18 — 23.0.3 StrongAI.[/b]
• The databases are updated monthly and compiled by us through selection of all databases + including fresh ones specifically for active links, or in the case of contact forms, those links where your advertisement will be sent to the website owner.
[i][b]ATTENTION![/b][/i] 40% discount only until 04/10/2024!
When applying, please indicate the promotional code [i][b]DD40%[/b][/i] in telegram: [i][b]@DropDeadStudio[/b][/i]!

IV. [b]We are selling the remaining activation keys for GSA Search Engine Ranker.[/b]
• The activation keys are still available with us from the closed department that used this software, as we have fully transitioned to XRumer.
[i][b]ATTENTION![/b][/i] 2 keys left for sale activation key for GSA Search Engine Ranker with a 50% discount! Write to us in telegram: [i][b]@DropDeadStudio[/b][/i]!

V. [b]We can also help you choose and configure servers and virtual machines.[/b]
• We have 7 XRumer licenses running simultaneously 24/7, and we can also assist with setting up XRumer and Xevil.

Tremendous discounts, get your website up and continuous at a depraved consequence!

BryanNeaby | 08.04.2024

Hello! Crazy discounts, hurry up!
We are Drop Dead Studio and our goal is to help companies achieve impressive sales results through automated marketing.
I. [b]We sell fresh databases for GSA Search Engine Ranker.[/b]
• The databases are updated monthly through 24/7 parsing and by connecting purchased databases from other sources.
• You have the option to purchase a one-time fresh database or pay for a lifetime subscription for updates.
[i][b]ATTENTION![/b][/i] 40% discount only until 04/10/2024!
When applying, please indicate the promotional code [i][b]DD40%[/b][/i] in telegram: [i][b]@DropDeadStudio[/b]![/i]

II. [b]We sell fresh databases for XRumer 19.0.18 — 23.0.3 StrongAI.[/b]
• The databases are also updated monthly through 24/7 parsing and by connecting purchased databases from other sources.
• You have the option to purchase a one-time fresh database or subscribe for lifetime updates.
[i][b]ATTENTION![/b][/i] 40% discount only until 04/10/2024!
When applying, please indicate the promotional code [i][b]DD40%[/b][/i] in telegram: [i][b]@DropDeadStudio[/b][/i]!

III. [b]We sell our own premium databases for XRumer 19.0.18 — 23.0.3 StrongAI.[/b]
• The databases are updated monthly and compiled by us through selection of all databases + including fresh ones specifically for active links, or in the case of contact forms, those links where your advertisement will be sent to the website owner.
[i][b]ATTENTION![/b][/i] 40% discount only until 04/10/2024!
When applying, please indicate the promotional code [i][b]DD40%[/b][/i] in telegram: [i][b]@DropDeadStudio[/b][/i]!

IV. [b]We are selling the remaining activation keys for GSA Search Engine Ranker.[/b]
• The activation keys are still available with us from the closed department that used this software, as we have fully transitioned to XRumer.
[i][b]ATTENTION![/b][/i] 2 keys left for sale activation key for GSA Search Engine Ranker with a 50% discount! Write to us in telegram: [i][b]@DropDeadStudio[/b][/i]!

V. [b]We can also help you choose and configure servers and virtual machines.[/b]
• We have 7 XRumer licenses running simultaneously 24/7, and we can also assist with setting up XRumer and Xevil.

Crazy discounts! 2 keys left for sale activation key for GSA Search Engine Ranker with a 50% discount

BryanNeaby | 05.04.2024

Hello! Crazy discounts, hurry up!
We are Drop Dead Studio and our goal is to help companies achieve impressive sales results through automated marketing.
[b]2 keys left for sale activation key for GSA Search Engine Ranker with a 50% discount[/b], we are selling due to the closure of the department that works on this software. The price is two times lower than the official store. At the output you will receive a name\key to work with.
[b]Hurry up, keys are limited[/b] Write to us in telegram: [b]@DropDeadStudio[/b]!

The fresh database for XRumer and GSA Search Engine Ranker has gone on sale, as well as a premium database collected by us personally, it contains only those links on which you will receive active links, that is, clickable ones + our own database of 4+ million contact links, for selling electronic goods and everything that your imagination allows you!
[b]ATTENTION! 40% discount only until 04/10/2024[/b]!
When applying, please indicate the promotional code [b]DD40%[/b] in telegram: [b]@DropDeadStudio[/b]!

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EugeneMaria | 22.03.2024

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thanks, interesting read

Frbetnal | 18.03.2024

nothing special

Thanks, I've been looking for this for a long time

Frbetnal | 17.03.2024

+ for the post

Hello, Kiddishop

PerryLof | 21.02.2024

Hello from Kiddishop.

Search Engine Optimization

VlasovFirstoiHek | 20.02.2024

Securing a spot for your webpage on reliable, superior platforms is an invaluable step in reinforcing its internet reputation. These placements not only raise a site's credibility in the sight of search platforms but also cultivate credibility among its desired audience. Reputable sites, famed for their rigorous content standards and major user bases, act as authenticators, endorsing the realness and worth of content they connect to or host. As visitors from these platforms work their way to a site, they come with a pre-established sense of trust, making them more probable to interact and change.

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Telgrm: @xrumers
Skype: XRumer.pro

Вы занимаетесь бизнесом или только думаеm

Lazarusneli | 05.10.2023

Вы занимаетесь торговлей или только думаете запустить свой бизнес? Мы готовы стать вашим безошибочным партнёром китайской продукции!

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